Effect on Alcohol on the Blood

Effect on Alcohol on the Blood

What effect does alcohol have?
-    Co-ordination
-    Reflexes
-    Spatial relations
-    Scanning patterns and stare
-    Decision making
-    Problem solving
-    Aggression and tolerance
-    Social influence from passengers
Don’t forget! Even small amounts of alcohol can affect some drivers and alcohol des not affect eveeryone in the same way.
Why does alcohold have different effects?
      We need know about that because it is importance for the human on how much you drink and what you drink and how quickly you drink. Anyway your body size and weight / whether you have food and how much. On the other hand, Male or female have different effects on drink also and it rests on healthy, fit or tired.  Especially, everybody should control whether alcohol has been combined with other drugs.
    Some people have drinking patterns by heavy drinking and binge drinking. Tolerance or reverse tolerance depend on you. On the mention you should consider on alcoholism and residual alcohol too.

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