The easiest way to lose weight, chew gum!


The easiest way to lose weight, chew gum!

You may have tried many weight loss recipes and got a lot of advice, but Japanese researchers believe that 'losing weight is as easy as walking while chewing gum.'

He told AFP that his research involved people between the ages of 21 and 69, and that his heart rate increased when he walked with his natural gait while chewing gum.

Researchers at the European Congress on Obesity in Vienna reported that chewing gum made a significant difference to men and women of all ages and genders.

He said that the biggest impact was seen on men over the age of 40 who also increased their gait and energy expenditure.

"A combination of walking and chewing exercise can be important for effective weight control," the researchers said.

"It's especially important in countries like Japan, where most people put more emphasis on walking," he said.

Previous research has shown that eating chewing gum at rest increases heart rate and consumes energy.

The authors of the study, published in The Journal of Physical Science, say they are the first to study chewing gum on people while walking.

The 46 volunteers involved in the study gave two trials of a 15-minute walk.

At first he drank two chewing gum containing three kilocalories and then he went for a walk, while in the second he drank a powder of the same calories which contained all the same ingredients as chewing gum.

And then they measured the heart rate while resting and walking, and they did this in both fast-moving and natural-moving movements. He also made sure that the number of steps between the two was the same.

Chewing gum increased the heart rate of all participants significantly, the researchers said.

"Obesity is spreading like a plague around the world and it increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers, and requires effective diet and treatment," he said.

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